Dean Faculty of Science and Technology
Information Technology is an ever growing and a challenging field with a broader scope comprising of the study, design, development and implementation of computer-based information systems. It particularly deals with the software applications using computers to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information securely. With the financial assistance and approval of the Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Pakistan, the Institute of Information Technology (I.I.T) had been established at SBBU. The Institute of Information Technology has been approved by the syndicate. The Department of Information Technology is working under the umbrella of I.I.T. The Department is well equipped with the latest technology and our IT professionals are capable of performing up to the mark in a variety of areas ranging from installing applications to designing and administrating computer networks and information systems. The Department of Information Technology offers these degrees: Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Master of Science in Information Technology.
1) Computer Hardware.
2) Computer Networking.
3) Software Engineering.
4) DBMS, Data-Ware Housing & Data Mining.
5) Mobile Computing and Programming.
6) Agile Software Methods.
7) High-Performance Computing .
8) Computer Graphics & Multimedia.
9) Web Engineering.
The Services of Information Technology recognized as high performance team providing the technological distinction that advances tech-based learning, teaching and research.
Our goal is to provide reliable and innovative technology to our students, faculty and community that meet the need of a dynamic world along with the support of trainings that necessary to use the technology effectively.
Information Technology Program aims to:
1) Train the students to have theoretical background in basic sciences and engineering and to be equipped with necessary technical skills,
2) Develop students' competency in reading, writing and oral communication,
3) Provide practical experience which will enable students to utilize and enhance their knowledge
4) Promote students' self-discipline and self-assurance and the ability to learn on their own
5) Encourage team work, collaboration and development of interpersonal skills
6) Motivate the students towards contributing to the progress of science and technology
7) Produce graduates for the science and the business communities who are observant, inquisitive and open to new technologies for developing better solutions
8) Produce graduates for the engineering and business communities with integrity, determination, judgment, motivation, ability and education to assume a leadership role to meet the demanding challenges of the society.
9) To facilitate the provision of a quality learning experience for each student that fosters engagement with their program of study and promotes independent study and life-long learning;
10) To maintain a high quality, comprehensive and coherent computing focused curriculum informed by research, scholarly activity and practice which enhances each participant career prospects;
11) To develop professionals with a sound understanding of computing and a critical awareness of current issues, who are able to adopt appropriate research strategies, and are informed of wider contextual issues;
12) To encourage the creative and appropriate application of technology to promote innovation, enterprise and employability;
13) To promote ethical awareness and professionalism supported by a strong appreciation of industry focused skills and practice.
For further contact
Incharge Department of I.T
Incharge Department of Information Technology
PhD (Information Technology), Pakistan
Assistant Professor
Post Doc. (Kulliyyah Of Information and Communication Technology), Malaysia
PhD (Information Technology), Pakistan
PhD (Information Technology), Pakistan
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
Assistant Professor
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
PhD in progress
Lecturer (on study leave)
M.Phil (Information Technology), Pakistan
PhD in progress
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
PhD in progress
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
PhD in progress
Lecturer (on study leave)
M.E (Computer Systems Enginering), Pakistan
PhD in progress
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
Lecturer (on study leave)
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
M.E (Computer Engineering), South Korea
PhD in progress
Lecturer (on study leave)
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
PhD in progress
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
M.S (Computer Science), China
M.S (Information Technology), Pakistan
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Programming Fundamentals | 4 (3+1) | |
2 | Basic Electronics | 3 | |
3 | Calculus and Analytical Geometry | 3 | |
4 | Fundamentals of ICT | 3 (2+1) | |
5 | Functional English(English-I) | 3 | |
6 | Islamic Studies/Ethics | 2 | |
Total | 18 |
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Object Oriented Programming | 4 (3+1) | |
2 | Digital Logic Design | 3 | |
3 | Discrete Structures | 3 | |
4 | Principles of Psychology | 3 | |
5 | Communication Skills (English-II) | 3 | |
6 | Probability and Statistics | 3 | |
Total | 19 |
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Data Structures and Algorithms | 3 | |
2 | Pakistan Studies | 2 | |
3 | Principles of Accounting | 3 | |
4 | Digital Logic Design | 4 (3+1) | |
5 | Technical and Report Writing (English-III) | 3 | |
6 | Linear Algebra | 3 | |
Total | 18 |
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Organizational Behavior | 3 | |
2 | Computer Communication and Networks | 3 | |
3 | Software Engineering | 3 | |
4 | Database Systems | 4(3+1) | |
5 | Multimedia Systems and Design | 3 | |
6 | Operating Systems | 3* | |
Total | 19 |
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Internet Architecture & Protocols | 3 | |
2 | Systems and Network Administration | 3* | |
3 | OO Analysis & Design | 3 | |
4 | DB Administration & Management) | 3* | |
5 | Web Systems and Technologies | 3 | |
6 | Technology Management | 3 | |
Total | 18 |
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Human Computer Interaction | 3 | |
2 | IT Elective- I | 3 | |
3 | IT Elective- II | 3 | |
4 | IT Elective- III | 3 | |
5 | IT Project Management | 3 | |
6 | Cloud Computing | 3 | |
Total | 18 |
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Capstone Project Part I | 3 | |
2 | Data & Network Security | 3 | |
3 | IT Elective IV | 3 | |
4 | IT Elective V | 3 (2+1) | |
5 | System Integration and Architecture | 3 | |
Total | 15 |
SNo. | Subject | Credit Hours | Marks |
1 | Capstone Project Part II | 3 | |
2 | Professional Practices | 3 | |
3 | IT Elective VI | 3 | |
4 | IT Elective VII | 3 | |
- | - | - | |
Total | 12 |