Dean Faculty of Management & Business Administration

Dr. Salman Bashir

Dean Faculty of Management & Business Administration




The Department of Statistics was established by Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University in 2017. In the year 2018, first batch was enrolled in BS-Program. At present Department offers one program, where Bachelor of Science 4 years (8 Semesters) program is offered at undergraduate level. The Department of Statistics has thoroughly updated curriculum of this programs as per the guidelines of HEC and international standards in order to cater the needs of undergraduate students. In addition to course work in the major areas, curriculum includes core courses in all major areas of Statistics, and supporting course work in mathematics, communication, economics, Business Administration and information systems


1. The goal of department is to promote effective statistical learning in different fields of statistics.

2. The department of statistics focuses to produce highly qualified students to handle current and upcoming challenges.

3. The department of statistics aspires to be listed among the top statistics department on Pakistan/ world Level.


The mission of the department of statistics is to contribute to the overall objective of SBBU, SBA University and FMAB through excellence in education in the field of statistics. Department of statistics share statistical knowledge with students through teaching, consulting, collaboration, professional presentations and publication.

For further contact

Mr. Imran Khan Jatoi

Incharge Department of Statistics


Mr.Imran Khan Jatoi

Incharge Department of Statistics

M.Phil (Statistics), Pakistan

PhD in progress


Ms. Sakina Kamboh


M.Phil (Statistics), Pakistan

PhD in progress


Mr. Jawad Ali

Teaching Assistant

BS (Statistics), Pakistan


Ms. Laraib Fatima

Teaching Assistant

BS (Statistics), Pakistan


1st Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Elementary Statistics 3(3+0)
2 Ideology & Constitution of Pakistan 2(2+0)
3 English-I 3(3+0)
4 Quantitative Reasoning-I 3(3+0)
5 Principles of Economics-I 3 (3+0)
6 Introduction to Business Management 3 (3+0)
Total 17
2nd Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Introduction to Probability & Random Variables 3 (3+0)
2 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2 (2+0)
3 Expository Writing 3 (3+0)
4 Quantitative Reasoning-II 3 (3+0)
5 Principles of Microeconomics 3 (3+0)
6 Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking 3 (3+0)
Total 17
3rd Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Basic Statistical Inference 3 (3+0)
2 Technical Report Writing 3 (3+0)
3 Introduction to Computer and its Applications 3 (3+0)
4 Civics & Community Engagement 3 (3+0)
5 Entrepreneurship 3 (3+0)
Total 15
4th Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Index Numbers and Time Series 3(3+0)
2 Statistical Packages 3(3+0)
3 Communication Skills 3(3+0)
4 Principles of Marketing 3(3+0)
5 Accounting 3(3+0)
Total 15

5th Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Probability Distribution-I 3(3+0)
2 Sampling Technique-I 4(3+1)
3 Design & Analysis of Experiment-I 4(3+1)
4 Regression Models 4(3+1)
5 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization 3(3+0)
Total 18
6th Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Probability Distribution-II 3(3+0)
2 Sampling Techniques-II 4(3+1)
3 Design & Analysis of Experiment-II 4(3+1)
4 Machine learning 3(3+0)
5 Econometrics 3(3+0)
6 Internship** 3(3+0)
Total 20

7th Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Statistical Inference-1 3 (3+0)
2 Multivariate Analysis 4(3+1)
3 Research Methodology 3(3+0)
4 Operations Research 3(3+0)
5 Bio-Statistics 3(3+0)
6 Capstone Project** 3(3+0)
Total 19
8th Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Statistical Inference-II 3(3+0)
2 Demography and Vital Statistics 4(3+1)
3 Official Statistics 3(3+0)
4 Statistical Quality Control 3(3+0)
5 Time Series Analysis & Forecasting 3(3+0)
Total 16


1st Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Elementary Statistics 3(3+0)
2 Sampling Technique-I 4 (3+1)
3 Design & Analysis of Experiment-I 4 (3+1)
4 Regression Models 4 (3+1)
5 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization 3 (3+0)
Total 18
2nd Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Introduction to Probability and Random Variables 3 (3+0)
2 Sampling Techniques-II 4 (3+1)
3 Design & Analysis of Experiment-II 4 (3+1)
4 Machine learning 3 (3+0)
5 Econometrics 3 (3+0)
Total 17
3rd Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Statistical Inference-1 3 (3+0)
2 Multivariate Analysis 4 (3+1)
3 Research Methodology 3 (3+0)
4 Operations Research 3 (3+0)
5 Bio-Statistics 3 (3+0)
Total 16
4th Semester
SNo. Subject Credit Hours Marks
1 Statistical Inference-II 3 (3+0)
2 Demography and Vital Statistics 4 (3+1)
3 Official Statistics 3 (3+0)
4 Statistical Quality Control 3 (3+0)
5 Time Series Analysis & Forecasting 3 (3+0)
Total 16